Ideology of the system



The Cobra++ software suite provides universal means of data synchronization with external data sources. This brings an advantage to the system, as it becomes open to the databases and data warehouses of other systems. The synchronization module has the following goals:

  • Keeping several databases and data warehouses up to date.

In case the informational infrastructure of an enterprise is represented by several information systems, this will eliminate the necessity of keeping data up to date in several databases. This fulfils the principle of inputting data once and helps provide the high quality of data.

Synchronization with external DB-s

  • Absorbing other information systems by Cobra++.

This ability may be required, if an external information system needs to be eliminated with its functions transferred to the Cobra++ information system. The elimination may be necessary, if the functionality of the external information system is insufficient, and if there is no possibility to evolve and improve the external information system. In this case, the Cobra++ information system is prepared to take over the functions, previously done by the external information system. The preparation includes creating informational objects, creating input forms, creating structures and rules for the relevant business processes. Then data is downloaded. After a trial period, the external system is excluded from the informational infrastructure of the enterprise.

Absorbing an external database